Information on Baptisms

Infant Baptism

baptismal iconBaptism is the introduction of a person into the Church community. Through the waters of Baptism the person enters into the life of God - Father, Son and Spirit. He or she is dedicated to God and all that is good.
To arrange a Baptism, please call either priest or the parish office.


It is good if the godparents can be adult Catholics who will take an interest in your baby as he or she grows up.
In the early church the godparents were sponsors who taught the new Christian, usually an adult, about the faith.
Later on when infant baptism became usual the godparents often took the role of guardians of the child if anything happened to the parents. Something of these two roles remains today.
Choose godparents who are likely to be around and have an interest in your child over the years.

Questions about Baptism

What is the role of the sponsor at Baptism?

The role of the godparent or sponsor at the baptism of the child is to join with the parents in presenting the child and to be a help and support to the child in growing in faith and living the

Christian life.
They stand with the parents and proclaim their faith on behalf of the child.
Only one godparent is required but there may be two. In some cultures it is a common and legitimate custom to allow a greater number. It follows from this that the Godparent ought also to live out those same Christian values and way of life that the ceremony implies. For this reason the Church requires that the godparent be a confirmed catholic who has received the Eucharist and lives out the life of faith required by the role.

Must both godparents be catholic?

One godparent must be a catholic who has been confirmed and has received the Eucharist, and who lives a life worthy of the role that he or she is about to undertake. It is possible to have just one godparent.

Signs and symbols of Baptism

Water is necessary for life and for cleansing. The baby is baptised with the water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The baby’s Christian name is given officially.


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The parents and godparents bring the baby to the font for Baptism. The baby is held over the font. The water of Baptism is poured over the baby’s head by the priest.

The Carrigaline community celebrates and welcomes this new life and commits to share together with the family in the journey of faith.

The Sign of the Cross is the mark of Christians. Priests, parents and godparents trace the cross on the baby’s forehead.

Cross image


The baby is anointed with Holy Oils on the breast and on the crown of the head to strengthen them for life and as a sign of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


The baby is wrapped in a white shawl as a sign of innocence and of the dignity of sharing with Christ’s life.

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The baptismal candle is lit from the Easter candle. It reminds us that the light of Christ has entered the child’s life. Parents and godparents and the Parish community commit to keep the flame of faith alive.