Ballynacally / Lisheen Defib group
Ballynacally Parish Council began the process of providing Defibrillators for their side of the parish in September 2012. Training for cardiac responders was also required and this began in February 2013. Following the first round of training, two AED's were fitted and these units are located in the following areas. Training will continue and include child CPR as well as techniques to use in the event of choking.
In the event of an EMERGENCY you need to be prepared. Please read the following post here and make sure you are prepared to act
In the car park of Clondegad GAA grounds in Ballynacally Village
At Lisheen cross on the Main Ennis Road
At Lisheen cross on the Main Ennis Road In the event of emergency break the glass in the key holder and carefully remove the key, open the lock and the 2 fasteners on the side of the yellow defib box to access the defibrillator.
Quick guide in emergency. Download Here
Guidance for carrying out CPR can be found here
Guidance for using a defibrillator can be found here
Listen to the CPR timing beat here (staying alive by the Bee Gee's)
Pictures of the training here
Initial training of Cardiac First responders took place over a weekend in February 2013. Groups of 6 were trained over many sessions.
Good Samaritan laws provide legal protection for those who provide first aid in good faith and accept no compensation, it would be expected that users have certifications for AEDs use. When the patient is in cardiac arrest, it is impossible to do more harm than good because the patient will be unlikely to survive without help. Without help - the chance of surviving a cardiac arrest is between 4% to 6%. Don't be afraid your actions will only help. (good Samaritan report here)
The defibrillator's will be checked regularly but if you notice any problems with them, the boxes they are contained in, please contact Keith McNamara Lisheen cross, thank you.